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But there are methods of argumentation, which Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca present in great detail, which are very plausible and persuasive, without being compelling once and for all. Changing physician need for systematic reviews of current best evidence on performance:asystematicreviewoftheeffectofcontinuingmedicaledu- cation strategies. All of the MTF commanders au- thorized the champions to lead the implementation of the low 100 Evaluation of the Low Back Pain Practice Guideline Implementation back pain guideline, but few of the champions received tangible resource support for their activities (other than attendance at the kickoff conference). Einhorn and Hogarth, in their article, begin to develop models for how people deal with ambiguity as opposed to specified risk or traditional probability. This is because a permanent catheter through the urethra may enlarge, change or disrupt the urethral opening, and make it difficult to maintain control of the urine. The prospect of change had always threatened deep-seated convictions that had survived for generations. Other plates with larger loading capacities, higher resonant frequen- cies, or larger areas are also available (in fact, 36 different models are available and the company also custom manufactures force plates). There is strong evidence for the benefit of mammography from a series of prospective randomized con- trolled trials (RCT) and meta-analyses (30–34) and moderate evidence of benefit from institutional-based case series studies (35) and recent evalua- tions of population-based service screening (36,37).

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