
L. Ben. Clayton College of Natural Health.

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However, Pouget and Sejnowski27 point out that because the tuning functions are the bases by Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC which the map is constructed, the same bases can be used to form any other representation — for example, a shoulder-centered representation of the target. It musculature, glucose from the liver and adjusts internal organ functions to the free fatty acid from adipose tissue must changing needs of the organism. Laxova described a of Neu-Laxova syndrome had been reported up to that different family whose children had birth defects similar point in medical literature. New information about anatomy, biomechanics, and patho- physiology has improved the detection and treatment of knee disorders. Some are even capable of eliciting a neurogenic inflammatory 126,127 response in the surrounding tissue. Buckup, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Thus, a new business process supported by remote consulting had emerged in internal medicine. The inference engine can also provide an explanation of the basis of the recommendation in the protocol. The dominal wall, for example, are partly attached to other mus- cells of cardiac muscle are striated, like those of skeletal cles, and the muscles of facial expression are attached to the Table 8•1 Comparison of the Different Types of Muscle SMOOTH CARDIAC SKELETAL Location Wall of hollow organs, Wall of heart Attached to bones vessels, respiratory passageways Cell characteristics Tapered at each end, Branching networks; special Long and cylindrical; multinucleated; branching networks, membranes (intercalated heavily striated nonstriated disks) between cells; single nucleus; lightly striated Control Involuntary Involuntary Voluntary Action Produces peristalsis; Pumps blood out of heart; Produces movement at joints; stimulated contracts and relaxes self-excitatory but influ- by nervous system; contracts and slowly; may sustain enced by nervous system relaxes rapidly contraction and hormones THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM ✦ 153 8 skin.

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