About Us

Raptor View Research Institute (RVRI), a non-profit research and education organization founded in 2004, is one of the leading raptor organizations in the West. From the Golden Eagle research conducted each fall along the Rocky Mountain Front, to the Osprey and Swainson’s Hawk research projects, RVRI staff is in the field nearly year-round, drawing international attention from researchers, conservationists, and educators. Most research projects are multi-faceted, long-term studies that specifically address human-caused impacts on raptors and the environment. We also offer free, hands on outdoor educational workshops for local school groups, youth homes, college students, community organizations, and the general public.


Rob Domenech, Executive Director

Rob began exploring much of western Montana during the 1990s to locate a suitable site for establishing the first mountaintop raptor migration banding study in Montana. He founded RVRI in 2004 to facilitate this ongoing in-depth research of Golden Eagle and other raptor migration ecology. Rob graduated from the University of Montana in 2002 with a Wildlife Biology degree. When not in the field, you can find Rob promoting awareness of raptor ecology to youth and community groups. Rob enjoys whitewater kayaking, snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking and bird watching.

Adam Shreading, Senior Research Biologist

Adam graduated from the University of Montana in 2009 with a degree in Wildlife Biology. He began working exclusively with raptors in 2007 and has monitored populations of various species across Montana. Adam first came to RVRI as a seasonal field biologist during the fall migration of 2010 and became increasingly involved in our field studies over the next two years. Since becoming a full-time member of our team in August 2012, Adam has been a valuable asset in the planning, execution, and reporting of our field-based activities.

Brian Busby, Research Biologist

Brian first joined RVRI as a seasonal field biologist in 2015 after graduating from SUNY ESF with a degree in conservation biology. He left after four years to earn his Master’s in Raptor Biology at Boise State University studying Barn Owls but returned full-time to RVRI in 2024 to help run research projects, coordinate education programs, and manage, analyze, and publish data. Outside of work, Brian enjoys spending time either in the mountains or in his vegetable garden.

Field Staff

From pre-dawn field work in the middle of winter to in-the-field education programs, we couldn’t do what we do without our dedicated field biologists. RVRI hires around 10 seasonal field staff every year to assist with projects such as fall and spring migration counts, fall migration trapping, and winter eagle trapping. When available, job openings will be listed on our ‘Get Involved’ page as well as on both the Texas A&M Natural Resources Job Board and Ornithology Exchange.

Board of Directors

Kathy Gray
Professor, Chico State University

Victoria Parks
Accountant, Anderson ZurMuehlen

Kelly Castleberry
Realtor, Stelling & Associates

Noel Nesmith
Instructor, Big Sky High School

Steve Hoffman
Merlin Birding & Nature Tours & Founder, HawkWatch International