Band number 0626 -51839, wing-tag C-30

While all the encounters are exciting and give us a unique look into the lives of the individual eagles. Here we highlight our record holder GE 30 encountered alive and well 11-years after tagging!


golden eagle 30 wing tag
Encountered: March 12, 2017
Location: Colfax County, New Mexico (northeast of Springer, NM)
Banded: 12 Oct. 2006
Location:  Nora Ridge  (Lincoln, MT)
Age: Time of banding, Hatch-Year (HY)
Age: Time of encounter (11-years-old)
Sex: Male
Mass: 4138 grams (9.1 pounds)
Lead: 0.5 μg/dl (insignificant level)
Isotope:  -129.6
Condition: Alive and well
Comments: This encounter represents the longest time interval between banding, and first encounter date of any of our tagged eagles.


golden eagle 30 wing tag migration